Saturday, May 14, 2011


Well, I just wrote a great blog, but I accidently erased it. Sorry, we'll try it again tomorrow when I am not INCREDIBLY upset with this computer. I love all of you. Friends, family, fellowmembers of the church, I had a lot of great stuff to say about all of you. But I erased it. I had a lot of great stuff to say about all the neat stuff going on in my life right now, but I erased it. I waxed philosophically eloquent about time and not having enough of it, but, that has also been erased. Woops. I also gave a sneak peak at an upcoming Blog Series I am going to do about Shepherd and sheep relations in the Bible, but you guessed it, gone. Like Gone With The Wind. Frankly my dear, I am going to sleep, and I will attempt to do it again soon...I tried.